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Find below a list of conditions treated by SpineZone clinicians.

SpineZone clinicians and staff treat a wide range of conditions and concerns brought to us by our patients. If you have questions about what we are able to treat, please make sure to ask your Physical Therapist when you schedule your appointment with our staff. We are more than happy to answer any questions you may have on the topics below. 

Back Pain

The Problem: Back Pain

Ok, yes, “back pain” is a very generic term for the conditions we treat at SpineZone. Seriously though, isn’t back pain the absolute worst?


What’s to Blame?

There are so many causes of chronic back pain: injuries, repetitive movements, poor posture, upper crossed syndrome, lower crossed syndrome, stenosis, sciatica, degenerating and/or herniated disks, spondylosis, spondylolisthesis, facet issues, scoliosis, osteoporosis, and more.


How Does It Feel?

So. Many. People are suffering from chronic back pain. The difficulty of navigating the healthcare system, the fatigue that sets in, the frustration from trying to be heard… sometimes we just give up and decide to live with it. We get used to the pain, we avoid the things we know will trigger it, and we begin to believe that it’s “normal”.

Let’s stop that thinking and normalize wellness instead. Normalize taking back control. Are you with us?


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

At SpineZone, our comprehensive healing approach is the perfect way to relieve back pain. The highly-skilled orthopedic care team of physical therapists and wellness counselors at SpineZone will have you on the road to recovery as soon as you schedule your evaluation. Quality orthopedic care has never been so convenient.


Are There Prevention Tips?

There are lots of prevention tips specific to each condition, but here are some best practices for optimum musculoskeletal health:

  • Limit repetitive lifting, pushing, bending, twisting, and pulling
  • Maintain a healthy weight by staying active and flexible
  • Learn and practice proper posture
  • Take frequent breaks when driving long distances, when working from a desk, and when in any type of sedentary position
  • Quit smoking, or don’t start, since smoking lessens the oxygen supply to the disks in the spine, causing quicker deterioration


Being Connected

Pain Medication, Alcohol, & Your Body

So, why is a team of physical therapists concerned about alcohol use and pain medication choices? Did you know that prescription painkillers can actually increase your sensitivity to pain? And that alcohol use can increase your body’s inflammatory response and make chronic pain worse?

Who knew?

SpineZone did.

Optimum health is all-encompassing, and at SpineZone, we’re continually breaking new ground.

In addition to your orthopedic care and physical therapy program, better sleep guidance, nutrition coaching, and mindfulness & meditation counseling, SpineZone offers another unique channel for achieving your best outcome: Being connected with our HABITS Program.

Being connected… to our bodies, our thoughts, our goals, our values. It’s our natural state of being. But when stress, or anxiety, or chronic pain hits, we disconnect. We seek to relieve, or numb, our stress and pain. We can do this with medications, with alcohol, with food, by isolating, or even by living in dread or denial.

SpineZone’s HABITS Specialist helps our patients identify patterns or habits that disconnect us and move us away from the wholebeing health we all want. We help our patients reconnect with the values and priorities that matter most.

  • Concerns about medication use? Our discreet team can meet with you and help decide if weaning off may be right for you.
  • Troublesome interactions between alcohol and inflammation, pain, and poor sleep? We have resources for help with scaling back drinking to decrease chronic pain.
  • Negative thinking, low impulse control, or troubles with compulsive behaviors? Often uncomfortable to talk about in some spaces, but not here.
  • Stress management, anxiety, depression, isolation, loneliness, or feeling disconnected in general? We hear you, we see you, and we know how to help.

Our programs are easy to access because we offer so many avenues for help.

Webinars on Zoom, 1:1 sessions with our HABITS Specialist, email support, and a weekly HABITS group.

Our focus on modern pain science will empower you to make the best decisions about your own healing process.

We focus on reducing your suffering, not just pain reduction. This way, you can stay focused on your healing.


Cervical Spondylosis

The Problem: Cervical Spondylosis


What’s to Blame?


Normal “wear & tear”.

More than 85% of folks older than age 60 are affected by it.

It is what it is, right?


How Does It Feel?

Typically, most people experience no symptoms.

At times, the spinal canal will narrow and the nerve roots can become pinched. When this occurs, patients may experience:

  • Weakness, tingling, or numbness in the legs, feet, arms, or hands
  • Difficulty walking/lack of coordination
  • Loss of bowel or bladder control


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

SpineZone’s orthopedic care team along with our BeingWell mindful living practitioners will create a comprehensive regimen to have you doing your favorite things at full speed before you know it.


Are There Prevention Tips?

Maintaining a healthy and appropriately active lifestyle, proper nutrition and hydration, and stress management can all be beneficial in delaying the onset as long as possible.


Degenerative Disk Disease

The Problem: Degenerative Disk Disease

Well, it’s not actually a “disease”, it’s a condition in which a damaged disk causes pain. Almost everyone has some spinal deterioration as a result of aging, but not everyone will have degenerative disk disease. Disks are like 2-layered shock absorbers between the bones of the spine. They help our backs stay flexible.


What’s to Blame?

Disk degeneration can be caused by:

  • Age
  • The drying out of the (when we’re born our disks are 80% water)
  • Daily activities & sports, causing tears to the outer core of the disk
  • Injuries, limiting the disks already very low blood supply


How Does It Feel?

Disk degeneration can cause swelling, soreness, instability, and acute or chronic pain. Low back pain is common, as is pain that gets worse when sitting (the disks have 3x more load to support when sitting than when standing or walking). Pain can affect the low back, neck, buttocks, and thighs, with numbness and tingling in the extremities. Weakness in the leg muscles is also a symptom.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

Our active therapy combined with our integrated BeingWell protocols lead you to strengthen the stabilizing muscles in your spine, build flexibility, and improve posture… all while offering mindfulness practices, nutrition coaching, and help changing unhelpful habits. You’re introduced to our evidence-based programs throughout your care journey. With SpineZone’s WholeBeing approach, we offer our patients the tools to help return to a productive lifestyle and the knowledge to be empowered to keep minds and bodies healthy.


Are There Prevention Tips?

  • Quit smoking (or don’t start), as smoking increases the drying out of disks
  • Be active
  • Lift properly
  • Maintain a healthy body weight
  • Reduce alcohol intake
  • Use supplements such as calcium, iron, and zinc (if your doctor says it’s ok)


Facet Joint Syndrome

The Problem: Facet Issues

Also known as: Facet Joint Syndrome & Facet Arthritis


What’s to Blame?

Picture this: at the end of our joints we’ve got cartilage for protection. Facet arthritis happens when that cartilage starts to wear out and become thin. This contributes to the possibility of bone spurs (osteophytes) and enlargement of the joints (hypertrophy). The risk factors for this degeneration are age, poor posture, family history, degenerative disk disease, and injury/history of trauma.


How Does It Feel?

The most commonly reported symptoms of facet arthritis are pain and stiffness. Lower back (lumbar) facet arthritis is often felt in the spine near the joint, but pain can also radiate out to the buttocks, thighs, and hips. If the problem is in the neck it’s called cervical facet arthritis and the pain can radiate to the shoulder, back of the head, or the ear. Periods of inactivity, such as sleep, can make the stiffness and pain worse.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

The highly-skilled orthopedic care team of physical therapists and wellness coaches at SpineZone will craft a treatment plan involving stretching, strengthening, and posture correction. Strengthening the core abdominal muscles and lower back are imperative. Heat, ice, anti-inflammatories, and even injections can be used to provide relief from the pain. Combined with our BeingWell WholeBeing health program, you’ll be back at pickle ball sooner than you thought.


Are There Prevention Tips?

For prevention, our experts recommend an active lifestyle of regular strengthening and stretching along with cardio, posture awareness and correction, and a healthy diet.

Hmmm… it appears that regular stretching and strengthening, along with posture correction and proper nutrition are the prevention protocol for lots of MSK conditions…



The Problem: Fibromyalgia


What’s to Blame?

It’s believed that painful sensations are amplified by the way fibromyalgia causes the brain and spinal cord to process signals. It’s probable that repeated nerve stimulation causes this. Symptoms often occur after an activating event, such as a physical trauma, an injury, a surgery, an infection, or significant psychological stress.


How Does It Feel?

Fibromyalgia is a wildcard. Symptoms include widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep struggles, and mood issues. Many fibromyalgia sufferers can also experience TMJ issues (temporomandibular joint) issues, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), anxiety and depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, migraine and tension headaches, “fibro fog” (cognitive and memory issues) and POTS (postural tachycardia syndrome). Fibromyalgia is another disorder that affects women more than men.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

SpineZone’s wholebeing health protocol is an excellent treatment for fibromyalgia. Our physical therapists and BeingWell counselors can get you started immediately with exercise and stretching, stress-management, and relaxation techniques.


Are There Prevention Tips?

Researchers are still pinpointing causes, so prevention is still being studied. Prevention efforts may include relaxation, exercise, and stress-reduction measures.


Herniated Disks

The Problem: Scoliosis

Disks are the cushions between your vertebrae. They act as mini shock-absorbers in the spine. They have very little blood supply, which is why consistent exercise and body movement is key to keeping them healthy and preventing back pain.


What’s to Blame?

A herniated disk, or slipped disk… or ruptured disk, occurs when the soft jelly-like substance inside the disk pushes out through a tear in the rubbery outer lining. Most disk damage is caused by normal wear and tear and is gradual. As we age, our disks naturally deteriorate with use. This can speed up if you routinely lift with the back instead of with the legs, if you twist and turn while lifting, or if you drive for long periods of time.


How Does It Feel?

The lucky ones have no symptoms, but many people report pain in the buttocks, thighs, and/or calves, and numbness or weakness in an arm or a leg. Herniated disks usually occur in the lower back but can occur anywhere along the spine or even in the neck. Herniated neck disks often cause pain in the shoulder and arm. They usually only affect one side of the body and the pain has often been described as “sharp” or “burning”. In rare cases, complications can cause worsening symptoms, bladder and bowel dysfunction, and saddle anesthesia, a loss of sensation affecting the inner thighs, the back of the legs, and the area around the rectum.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

Herniated disks usually do repair/improve over time without requiring surgery. At SpineZone, our comprehensive healing approach is the perfect way to relieve pain from herniated disks. The highly-skilled physical therapy team at SpineZone, partnered with our stellar BeingWell practitioners, will have you on the road to recovery as soon as you schedule your evaluation. Quality orthopedic care has never been so convenient.


Are There Prevention Tips?

Back and neck pain from herniated disks can be extremely painful. Some tips for reduction and prevention are:

  • Limit repetitive lifting, pushing, bending, twisting, and pulling.
  • Maintain a healthy weight.
  • Take frequent breaks when driving long distances. Being seated for a long period of time plus the vibration of the vehicle can put too much pressure on the spine.
  • Quit smoking, or don’t start. Smoking lessens the oxygen supply to the disks, causing quicker deterioration.



The Problem: Kyphosis, aka “Round Back”

Kyphosis is an exaggerated forward rounding of the back, also called a “hump”, and isn’t just for Great Aunt Edna. Kyphosis can occur at any age, even adolescence.

The vertebrae that form a healthy spine should be cylinders stacked in a column- not wedge-shaped, as can happen when the bones become compressed. Disk degeneration (deflating of the “cushions” between the vertebrae) is the main cause.


What’s to Blame?

  • Weakness in the spinal bones that causes them to compress or crack is the most common cause of age-related kyphosis. This can be caused by osteoporosis, compression fractures, disk degeneration, and cancer and cancer treatments.
  • Malformation of the spine or even “wedging” of the spinal bones is the main cause in infants and teens. Causes of this include birth defects, Scheuerman’s Disease, Marfans Syndrome, or Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome.
  • Poor posture


How Does It Feel?

Mild kyphosis can have few noticeable problems, but severe kyphosis can cause pain and disfigurement. Stiffness and back pain are not uncommon.

  • Breathing problems can be caused by the curvature putting pressure on the lungs
  • Difficulty doing normal tasks (walking, getting out of chairs, driving, gazing upward, and lying down) can happen from weakened back muscles can
  • Digestive issues can develop from severe kyphosis due to compression of the digestive tract, causing difficulty with swallowing and acid reflux
  • Body image problems may develop in adolescents (self-consciousness from rounded back or from wearing a corrective brace), as well as social isolation in older adults


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

Our active therapy combined with our integrated BeingWell protocols lead you to strengthen the stabilizing muscles in your spine, build flexibility, and improve posture… all while offering mindfulness practices, nutrition coaching, and help changing unhelpful habits.

You’re introduced to our evidence-based programs throughout your care journey. With SpineZone’s WholeBeing approach to orthopedic care, we offer our patients the tools to help return to a productive lifestyle and the knowledge to be empowered to keep minds and bodies healthy.


Are There Prevention Tips?

Much of our spine-related pain is due to posture in our daily life activities. If this isn’t corrected, it can lead to a fixed posture or more severe problems like disc issues or early degeneration. We help by teaching you techniques that strengthen key muscles to maintain good posture throughout the day & stretch muscles that get tight due to that signature kyphosis slouch.


Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

The Problem: Lumbar Spinal Stenosis

(it can happen in any part of your spine, but the lower back/lumbar area is the most common)

Your vertebrae form a tunnel running down your back. This tunnel is called the spinal canal and the bundle of nerves that runs through it is your spinal cord. If the spinal canal in the lower part of your back narrows, lumbar stenosis sets in. Stenosis, which means narrowing, can cause pressure on your spinal cord and/or the nerves that go from your spinal cord to your muscles.


What’s to Blame?

The #1 cause is osteoarthritis- the gradual deterioration that happens to joints over time. Most people have some osteoarthritis in the spine by age 50 and women have a higher rate of stenosis than men.

Other causes:

  • Spinal tumor
  • Certain bone diseases
  • Injury to or past surgery of the spine
  • Rheumatoid arthritis


How Stenosis Feels:

Early stenosis usually has no symptoms, but over time you may develop the following:

  • back pain
  • loss of sensation in the feet
  • sciatica (burning pain going down into the buttocks and legs)
  • numbness, tingling, cramping, or weakness in your legs
  • trouble walking long distances
  • the need to lean forward to relieve pressure on your lower back
  • loss of sexual ability
  • difficulty with bowel and bladder control (in severe cases)


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

Our active therapy combined with our integrated BeingWell protocols lead you to strengthen the stabilizing muscles in your spine, build flexibility, and improve posture… all while offering mindfulness practices, nutrition coaching, and help changing unhelpful habits. We employ mind-body modalities to optimize recovery, including 1:1 sessions for meditation, nourishment and body positivity, sleep counseling, and medication management.

You’re introduced to our evidence-based programs throughout your care journey. With SpineZone’s WholeBeing approach, we offer our patients the tools to help return to a productive lifestyle and the knowledge to be empowered to keep minds and bodies healthy.


Are There Prevention Tips?

Since almost everyone has some osteoarthritis by age 50, absolute prevention isn’t really possible, but you can lower your risk and keep your spine healthier longer by:

  • Regular exercise
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Maintaining proper posture




Mindfulness & Meditation Benefit More Than Your Mind

What does being mindful have to do with your chronic neck and back pain?

Optimum health is all-encompassing, and at SpineZone, we’re continually breaking new ground.

In addition to your orthopedic care and physical therapy program, better sleep guidance, nutrition coaching, and HABITS Program, SpineZone offers another valuable pathway to help you achieve your best outcome: Mindfulness & Meditation Education.

When you’re in pain, your nervous system becomes overactive.Your pain response is magnified and your inflammation is in party mode. Mindfulness can help to calm your nervous system and reduce pain. Screening our patients for anxiety and depression allows our trained specialists to assist with processing stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. Hello, wholebeing health.

Included in your personalized treatment program:

1:1 consultations for stress management

  • Live meditations online, multiple times a week, led by our clinicians who are trained in mindfulness and modern pain neuroscience
  • Weekly online groups
  • 4 weeks of pre-recorded mindfulness videos to access anytime
  • 4 educational videos on the link between mindfulness and pain science

Our simple mindfulness techniques utilized with modern pain science techniques help to calm your nervous system, reduce stress, and break this vicious cycle. We’ll stay focused on your pain, so you can stay focused on your healing.


Neck Pain

The Problem: Neck Pain

Ok, yes, “neck pain” is a very generic term for the conditions we treat at SpineZone. Seriously though, isn’t neck pain the absolute worst?


What’s to Blame?

Texting, scrolling, iPad/tablet/laptop use, desk-sitting with improper posture or for too long, heavy backpacks, injuries… there are so many villains causing chronic neck pain.


How Does It Feel?

Neck pain is tricky, because the conditions that cause it can wreak havoc on other body systems. Our ears, jaw, eyes/vision, shoulders, can all be affected. Headaches, migraines, tinnitus, insomnia, and so many other ailments can be a result of a neck condition/injury. And this is all in addition to the actual pain, stiffness, weakness, and limited mobility associated with neck issues.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

At SpineZone, our comprehensive healing approach is the perfect way to relieve chronic and acute neck pain. The highly-skilled physical therapy team at SpineZone, partnered with our stellar BeingWell practitioners, will have you on the road to recovery as soon as you schedule your evaluation. Quality orthopedic care has never been so convenient.


Are There Prevention Tips?

There are lots of prevention tips specific to each condition, but here are some best practices for optimum musculoskeletal health:

  • Limit repetitive lifting, pushing, bending, twisting, and pulling
  • Maintain a healthy weight by staying active and flexible
  • Learn and practice proper posture
  • Take frequent breaks when driving long distances, when working from a desk, and when in any type of sedentary position
  • Quit smoking, or don’t start, since smoking lessens the oxygen supply to the disks in the spine, causing quicker deterioration



Nourish Your Body & Speed Up Your Healing

Optimum health is all-encompassing, and at SpineZone, we’re continually breaking new ground.

In addition to your orthopedic care and physical therapy program, better sleep guidance, our HABITS program, and mindfulness & meditation counseling, SpineZone offers another unique channel for achieving your best outcome: Being nourished with our Nutrition Coaching.

Our registered dietitian offers personalized nutrition programs to give you the confidence to know you’re nourishing your body in the best way possible. Our main focus is on losing habits that are detrimental to your health and healing while adding habits that will help your body get back to its natural state of being. Our patients learn how to appreciate the importance of eating a wide variety of health-promoting foods for strength, energy, and overall healing. Aside from providing nutrition education, we also encourage our patients to feel good in their bodies and to approach food and eating in a positive and confident way. You’ll be in good hands and in good health.

Included in your personalized treatment program:

  • 4-weeks of nutrition videos uploaded to your SpineZone Home Exercise Program
  • Nutrition webinar group series on Zoom that meets twice a week for 2 weeks
  • Access to nutrition education/materials/handouts/eBook
  • Ability to consult with our registered dietitian via email and for 1:1 appointments

SpineZone’s Nutrition Counseling Program helps our patients identify nutrition choices that might not contribute to the wholebeing health we all want.

We’ll focus on all the ways of reducing your pain, so you can just focus on your healing.


Pediatric Conditions

The Problem: Pediatric Spine-Related issues


What’s to Blame?

Most spine-related pain in pediatrics is due to posture. Kids’ daily life activities in school, doing homework, & texting can lead to poor posture. “Text neck” is a real thing. If this isn’t corrected, it can lead to a fixed posture or more severe problems like disc issues or early degeneration.

Sports that put strenuous stress on the back (gymnastics, football, baseball, & tennis) are also to blame.


How Does It Feel?

Neck pain, back pain, tightness, and weakness are all symptoms of pediatric spine-related issues. It’s no fun to be sidelined from your favorite sport due to injury. It’s also no fun to have poor posture, a sore neck, and even poor body image. Adolescent spine-related problems are often overlooked.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

  • Posture Education: We help by teaching your child techniques to strengthen key muscles to maintain good posture throughout the day and stretch muscles that get tight due to that signature slouch.
  • Exercise Education and Monitoring: We treat the inevitable sports-related strains and sprains by teaching your child how to strengthen and stretch, helping them repair by strengthening the core, stretching tight muscles, and monitoring as needed so your child can return to prime sporting function.


Are There Prevention Tips?

Early identification of posture issues is a must, along with awareness and education. Orthopedic care at SpineZone can help.


Postural Syndrome

The Problem: Postural Syndrome

Unfortunately, poor posture.


What’s to Blame?

Well, when your mama told you to stand up straight, she knew what she was talking about. Postural syndrome is a general descriptor referring to several conditions of the cervical spine and lumbar that’s normally caused by repeated poor posture. You knew this, but it bears repeating. Poor posture causes more than normal wear and tear on joint surfaces and adds stress to the ligaments holding the spinal joints together.

Specifically, Upper Cross Syndrome occurs when the muscles of your neck, shoulders, and chest are out of balance. When some are tighter and some are weaker, imbalance and pain occur. UCS is mainly caused by hunching over a smartphone or laptop too frequently and/or for too long.


How Does It Feel?

The most common symptoms reported are neck pain, back pain, pain in the head and shoulders, and even pain spreading to the hips and thighs.

Upper Cross Syndrome can cause less range of motion, trouble breathing, and spinal issues.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

SpineZone’s comprehensive healing approach is the perfect way to relieve pain and stiffness from postural syndrome. The highly-skilled physical therapy team at SpineZone, partnered with our stellar BeingWell practitioners, will have you on the road to recovery as soon as you schedule your evaluation. Choosing SpineZone can jumpstart your orthopedic care and bring faster and more positive results.


Are There Prevention Tips?

Learning and practicing proper posture is great prevention because it keeps your bones and joints in alignment.

Seated posture tips:

  • Don’t cross your legs
  • Make sure your chair height allows your feet to be flat on the floor or on a footrest
  • Keep your knees at or below your hip level
  • Make sure your chair has good lower back support- if it doesn’t, place a small pillow or rolled up towel behind your lower back
  • Keep head and neck in line with torso
  • Relax shoulders and keep forearms parallel to the floor
  • The top of your monitor should be at or slightly below eye level
  • Change seated position often- get up and stretch every hour



The Problem: Sciatica

Sciatica usually only affects one side of the body. The pain radiates along the sciatic nerve which runs from the lower back to hips to buttocks and down the leg.


What’s to Blame?

Sciatica is the result of nerve compression usually caused by a bone spur on the spine, a herniated disk, or spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spine). In rarer cases it can be caused by a tumor or by a disease such as diabetes.


How Does It Feel?

Sciatica causes inflammation, resulting in back pain and usually some numbness in the affected leg. Radiating pain from lower back (lumbar) through the buttocks and down is textbook sciatica pain. It can vary from mild to sharp and excruciating. It can also feel like a jolt or an electric shock. In severe cases, sciatica can cause weakness or loss of feeling in the affected leg, or even loss of bladder and/or bowel control.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

SpineZone’s comprehensive healing approach is the perfect way to relieve pain from sciatica. The highly-skilled physical therapy team at SpineZone, partnered with our stellar BeingWell practitioners, will have you on the road to recovery from sciatica as soon as you schedule your evaluation. Your orthopedic care is in good hands with SpineZone.


Are There Prevention Tips?

Exercising regularly, maintaining proper posture when sitting, and using good body mechanics are all great ways to prevent sciatica. Keeping your core strong, choosing a chair with armrests and good lower back support, and placing a pillow or rolled towel in the small of the back to maintain proper curve all help.

Placing one foot on a stool when standing for long periods of time, lifting correctly (lifting with the legs, no twisting, keeping back straight and bending at the knees, holding the load close to the body), and finding a lifting partner when the load is too heavy are all ways to prevent back pain and injury.


The Problem: Scoliosis

Scoliosis can be tough to deal with. SpineZone reminds you that you are strong and that we can help!


What’s to Blame?

Scoliosis is a sideways curvature of the spine that usually starts in adolescence and progresses over time. Doctors don’t really know the cause, other than it appears to be slightly hereditary. In rarer cases, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, birth defects, spinal cord abnormalities, and injuries to or infections of the spine can cause scoliosis.


How Does It Feel?

Most cases of scoliosis are mild and just need to be monitored for progression, but severe cases can be disabling. Severe spinal curvature can cause a reduced amount of space in the chest, resulting in decreased lung function. Scoliosis affects girls more than boys.

Some signs of scoliosis are:

  • Uneven waist
  • Uneven shoulders
  • One hip higher than the other
  • One side of ribcage jutting forward
  • One shoulder blade more prominent than the other


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

Children with mild scoliosis are usually monitored with X-rays to track the curvature and in many cases treatment isn’t even necessary. Some patients will need to wear a brace to stop the curve from worsening and others may need surgery.


Are There Prevention Tips?

There really are no prevention tips for scoliosis, just awareness and general spine health preventative measures:

  • Be aware of the signs, which usually begin in adolescence
  • Learn how to move properly
  • Achieve better spinal alignment
  • Strengthen key muscles


Sleep Counseling

BeingRested at SpineZone

“I have chronic back pain and my neck hurts too, but my sleep has never been better”…said no one ever.

If you’ve got back or neck pain you’ve most likely struggled to fall asleep at night, struggled to stay asleep through the night, or just not felt rested throughout the day.

Did you know that lack of sleep can actually increase your pain sensitivity and slow down healing? Over half of people with back and neck pain will have trouble sleeping or feeling rested in the morning. We found solutions to these issues as part of our focus on modern pain science. After all, our mission is to eliminate as much unnecessary suffering as possible.

In addition to your orthopedic care and physical therapy program, mindfulness and meditation counseling, nutrition coaching, and our HABITS Program, SpineZone offers another valuable pathway to help you achieve your best outcome: Better Sleep.

Optimum health is all-encompassing, and at SpineZone, we’re continually breaking new ground.

Our trained specialists offer valuable better-sleep resources. These tools will help you recalibrate your nervous system, reduce racing thoughts at night, and get real rest that will positively impact your health.

A complimentary sleep eBook for patients to do self-guided habit change for improved sleep

A 4-week sleep course that focuses on sleep education, behavior change, and mindful relaxation practices

Our focus on modern pain science will empower you to make the best decisions about your own healing process.

We’ll focus on your pain, so you can focus on your healing.



The Problem: Spondylolisthesis


What’s to Blame?

A defect in part of the vertebra = dysplastic spondylolisthesis

Repetitive trauma most common in athletes = isthmic spondylolisthesis

Arthritic changes in the joints due to cartilage degeneration = degenerative spondylolisthesis

A joint fracture as a result of direct trauma or injury to the vertebrae = traumatic spondylolisthesis

A bone defect or abnormality (tumor, etc) = pathologic spondylolisthesis


How Does It Feel?

Symptoms range from none to mild in most cases.

Other patients report lower back pain, leg weakness, muscle tightness, tenderness in the injured area, “leaning forward”, stiffness, and sensation changes. Rarer symptoms are damage of spinal nerve roots, waddling gait, and loss of bladder control.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

Targeted stretches, a protocol of specialized core and back strengthening exercises from our stellar orthopedic care team, and our BeingWell whole-being program combined will have your pain reduced, your stress managed, your nutrition in an optimum place, and your sleep the stuff of dreams. You’ll be back on the pickleball team asap.


Are There Prevention Tips?

Exercise, stretching, proper nutrition, and stress management may help.


Sports Injuries

The Problem: Sports Injuries


What’s to Blame?

Golf! Tennis! Pickleball! Sports are literally all fun and games until you get an injury.


How Does It Feel?

Various sports injuries have different symptoms, but being sidelined isn’t fun for anyone. Feeling weak, experiencing pain and swelling, and the need for rest when you want to get back out there are all reasons to seek relief.


How Will SpineZone Help Me Get Relief?

We treat the inevitable sports-related strains & sprains by teaching you how to strengthen & stretch, helping you return to sport function. You can’t dominate the field when you’re limping through your game and calling ice timeouts every 15 minutes, right?


Are There Prevention Tips?

Stretching and strengthening, proper movement, hydration, and awareness of limits are all ways to prevent sports injuries.


Stress Management

How does SpineZone approach stress management?

At SpineZone, every patient is so much more than just an injury to treat. That’s why it’s so important to us to not just treat your back or neck pain, but to offer fully inclusive wholebeing treatment so that you take back control and live your life to its fullest. We are passionate about your health and wellness—inside and out, body and mind. Our mission is to eliminate all unnecessary suffering from neck and back pain, so why not offer solutions in every aspect of healing?

Hiring a personal trainer, a nutritionist, a mindfulness coach, and a sleep counselor is everyone’s dream, but only celebrities and the elite actually get to do this, right? WRONG.

The SpineZone comprehensive orthopedic care program basically lets you enjoy all of these things that the beautiful people enjoy. When we reframe how we look at things, we can see them for what they really are. SpineZone’s wholebeing treatment program isn’t just a medical protocol with proven reduction of pain. It’s a lifestyle reboot, and in most cases, an insurance-paid chance to level up in all areas of your life.

Optimum health is all-encompassing, and at SpineZone, we’re continually breaking new ground.

Our knowledge on modern pain science will empower you to make the best decisions about your own personal healing process. We’ll stay focused on your pain, so you can stay focused on your healing.

Our BeingWell team aids with nutrition, mindfulness, sleep, & HABITS. This includes stress management.


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