Happier Patients, Fewer Surgeries, and Better Patient Outcomes with SpineZone
The SCMG Study
A 2-year retrospective study on back pain cases with SHARP Community Medical Group yielded cost savings of 31% through fewer surgeries and hospitalizations, reductions in high cost imaging such as MRIs and reduced emergency room visits.
read the manuscript detailing this scmg case study
Study Design
Traditional Pathway (Control)
Members with a claim for a back pain related diagnosis beyond a PCP evaluation, Evaluation and Management
July 2008 and June 2010
SpineZone Program
Members with a SpineZone claim
July 2008 and June 2010
The Results
When patients in this study visited SCMG with back pain, their primary care doctor would refer them to either SpineZone or to a traditional treatment clinic. SCMG found that the SpineZone group when compared to the control group had lower costs and better outcomes

Significant reduction in ER and inpatient costs

Patients pain level decreased from 5.4 to 2.9

Less need for Analgesics